Five Steps to Reading Adventures This Holiday Season

Five Steps to Reading Adventures This Holiday Season Brew a cup of your favourite tea. While it steeps, look out of the window onto a Winter Wonderland, and allow your imagination to soar. Reach for your favourite box of chocolates (yes, this is the holidays, after all). Locate your favourite chair. Position it just so. Perhaps you would like to see the aforementioned Winter Wonderland out of the corner of your eye as you turn the pages – or does flickering firelight have greater appeal? Add an assortment of comfort items. Fluffy reading socks. A luxurious throw. Perhaps a cat (but only if you own one). Reach for a book. This is the most important part (otherwise you are just a person in a [...]

2024-12-23T15:51:47-04:00December 23, 2024|Historical Fiction, Home Page, On Writing|

Creative Writing: How to Get Started

You don’t have to dream of publication to enjoy creative writing. The writing process has something to offer everyone, and carries enormous benefits even if you never share anything you write. Remember what it felt like, as a small child, to make up stories for yourself? How filled with adventure and excitement those moments were? Here are five reasons everyone can enjoy creative writing – and I’ve included a prompt with each one, to get you started. How do you complete these creative writing prompts? Find a quiet place, open a notebook and start to write. Continue for at least 15 minutes, and stop when you run out of time, or ideas. It’s as easy as that! 1. We are all storytellers, at heart [...]

2025-02-04T10:43:43-04:00November 7, 2024|Home Page, On Writing|

Her Secret Soldier – From Concept to Publication

Sometimes published writers can inadvertently give the impression that their journey to publication was easier than it actually was. The truth is that finding an agent and a publisher is tough - and I mean for ALL writers. You need a fabulous book, followed by a LOT of hard work … and then a heavy dose of luck. Most writers send out their work dozens of times before they land a deal. That was definitely the case with me. In spring 2023 I approached Bookouture with my first historical novel. I had been trying to find a publisher or agent for weeks without success. That submission led to several meetings with a wonderful acquisitions editor at Bookouture. She pointed out several issues with the novel [...]

2024-09-03T08:56:36-04:00September 3, 2024|Historical Fiction, Home Page, On Writing|

Making the Time to WRITE!

How do you make time to write in the midst of a busy schedule? Whether it’s poetry, short stories, memoir or novels you love writing, the challenge  is always the same: finding the time. Here’s 10 tips for anyone who loves writing, to help you keep the creative juices flowing no matter how busy you may be. Keep a creativity journal, and jot down ideas whenever and wherever they occur to you. A sudden idea for a short story… a line for a poem that appears out of nowhere… a fascinating detail about a passer-by you think would work for a character… get used to jotting down ideas whenever they occur. Keeping a notebook in your bag or a file on your phone is [...]

2024-08-02T09:15:03-04:00August 2, 2024|Home Page, On Writing|

How to Write Historical Fiction

Are you interested in writing historical fiction? Here is a simple prompt to get you started: 1. Choose a historical event that you find interesting and research it for half an hour. Setting yourself a time limit for the research will minimize the chance that you fall down a rabbit hole in your research! 2. Create a character who may have a unique perspective on this event. This may not even be a person who experienced the event firsthand. For example, imagine the historical event you choose is Dunkirk.The character you choose could be the granddaughter of a soldier who fought in the battle, or, a fisherman who aided in the rescue of Allied troops - and perhaps your story begins with the discovery of [...]

2024-04-01T09:27:48-04:00April 3, 2024|Historical Fiction, Home Page, On Writing|

Why I LOVE Writing – and Reading – Historical Fiction!

If you had asked me back in 2020 which genres I preferred as a writer, I would have said fantasy, science fiction, young adult, middle grade… anything but historical fiction. But then I discovered writers like Kristin Hannah and Kate Quinn, and I became hooked on the genre. Historical Fiction plunges the writer into an alternative world – not a fully imagined one, as fantasy does, but an alternative world that actually existed, and yet on some level must still be invented,  since we can never know what it was like to be there. Historical Fiction is a great way to step inside the shoes of people whose lives were so different from our own, but whose dreams and hopes were just the same. Reading [...]

2024-03-27T14:26:11-04:00March 27, 2024|Historical Fiction, Home Page, On Writing|

A Creative Writing Prompt

As we move towards spring, here is a brand new creative writing prompt to inspire your creative processes! Choose a comfortable place in which to write, and take care to read all the instructions below before you begin. If you follow the prompt carefully, you may have a complete short story – or piece of flash fiction – by the time you are done. “Finally, I Told Them the Truth.” Write for 30minutes, beginning with this creative writing prompt. Try to stay in scene for at least the first few paragraphs, introducing your main character and the people in their life as they prepare to tell ‘the truth’. Remember that we pique the interest of our readers by continually offering them ‘hooks’, so don’t be [...]

2024-03-06T16:34:49-04:00March 6, 2024|Home Page, On Writing|

The First Novel is DONE!

In October 2023, I signed a two book deal with Bookouture in London, England, The first book was due at the end of this month, and this morning, I delivered the completed manuscript to my editor, with 3 days to spare!  I’m not sure how much I’m permitted to share about the book or its title at this point in the process, so instead, I’m sharing a few thoughts about what it’s like to write a novel to a deadline. In short, I LOVED it. But it’s not for everyone. In October, this book existed only as a detailed chapter-by-chapter outline, and thirty or so sample pages. On every single day since then I’ve spent 2-4 hours on the book… in addition to my regular [...]

2024-01-26T11:38:17-04:00January 26, 2024|Home Page, On Writing|

Announcing a Two Book Deal With Bookouture UK!

I am thrilled to announce that I have finalised a publishing contract with Bookouture UK. I am working on two novels set in World War Two – the first to be published in September this year and the second in February 2025. You can read about the deal here: This publishing contract represents a new direction in my writing career. My three previous books were published by well-respected Canadian presses – Red Deer Press (,  Mansfield Press and Theatrefolk. Bookouture is a division of Hatchette, one of the ‘big five’, so this new contract is a fabulous opportunity to reach more readers… and to write every single day. On my creative writing retreats and in the writing classes I teach, I’m continually telling my [...]

2024-03-27T14:24:54-04:00January 16, 2024|Historical Fiction, Home Page, On Writing|

What Is the ‘Flow State’ and How Does It Impact Our Writing?

At the moment, I’m writing to a deadline; my historical novel must be delivered in 8 weeks. This is a new and wonderful experience for me – attempting to write 2,000 words per day as a minimum, as I slowly inch my book towards completion. And through this process, I have discovered the addictive wonders of the Flow State. If you write, or you play music, paint, read - or engage in any number of creative and introspective activities -  there’s a good chance you have experienced the flow state already. I know I have. But never day after day, for weeks on end. And I’m loving it. What is a flow state? It’s that magical place you sink into, when you become so completely [...]

2023-11-28T14:19:06-04:00November 28, 2023|Home Page, On Writing|
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