Her Secret Soldier Book CoverI’m delighted to announce that my next book – and my first historical fiction – is now available to pre-order on Amazon Kindle. The paperback and Audible versions will be available for pre-order shortly before the publication date.

It’s September 1940 and18-year-old Rose longs for her life to begin, but even though Europe is at war, nothing much happens in her sleepy corner of England. Then, one night, she witnesses a parachute drop through the sky and into the ancient woodland behind her home. On impulse, Rose follows… and discovers a German spy, injured and helpless.

19-year-old Walter claims he feels no loyalty towards Nazi Germany and always intended to give himself up to the British authorities. He has a story to support his claim – but should Rose believe it? Britain’s new Treachery Act means a death sentence for enemy agents, and Rose cannot bear to be the cause of his death. Swayed by compassion, she hides Walter in an abandoned cottage in the forest.

As Walter slowly recovers, their mutual affection deepens into love. But then Rose discovers Walter has been lying to her, and could be involved in a sabotage mission that will claim hundreds of lives. She must make a heart wrenching choice: betray her country, or the man she loves.

June 1990: Emma, a Canadian journalist, inherits a tract of ancient woodland in England. Behind an abandoned cabin in the depths of the woods she discovers a human skeleton wrapped in parachute silk. Emma begins to probe  the mystery of her Great Aunt Rose, who disappeared half a century ago, and the truths she uncovers force her to confront critical problems in her own life – her relationships, her values and her identity.

To receive notification when the Audible and paperback versions are available, follow Julie on Amazon, here.